What insurances do we accept?
We accept all private insurance companies. For example, dental benefits offered through an employer or that you have personally purchased. We do not accept state or insurance (ie OHP) or Medicare/Medicaid.
We will bill up to two insurance companies.
Which Insurance Companies are you in network with?
Do we see children? And if so at what age?
If treatment is required for younger children we will do what every they are able to tolerate. If we don’t feel we are going to be able to provide an excellent experience and outcome then we may refer your child to a specialist.
Do we do sedation dentistry?
Nitrous: This is a gas given with pure oxygen that helps the body relax. Perception of time and pain is distorted making the visit seem shorter and much more comfortable. This is a great option for anyone as you are completely ‘normal’ within just 3-5 minutes of stopping the gas. It also takes effect quickly and is adjustable (up or down) if the desired effect is too little. No escort or ride home is needed.
Oral Sedation: With oral sedation the patient will take Halcion or another benzodiazepine about 30 minutes before their appointment. This offers a deeper level of sedation and also includes amnesic-effects (the person generally does not remember the appointment). Time has little meaning to the patient so longer visits can be done comfortably.
For patients that are still uncomfortable nitrous (laughing gas) can be added to the Halcion. This provides an even deeper level of sedation. After the appointment, the patient will need a ride home, and should not be left unattended.
IV Sedation/Conscious Sedation: This is the deepest level of sedation we offer. In IV is placed and medications are provided to keep the patient comfortable. Patients generally do not remember their visit at all. The effects of IV sedation are much more rapid to set in than with oral sedation. After the appointment, the patient will need a ride home, and should not be left unattended.
Do we have digital x-rays?
Does Medicare cover dental?
Do we take payments?
We are a very good dental office, but not a very good bank. So we have partnered with Care Credit to help with patients that would like a payment plan. They offer a variety of payment schedules (many interest free for 6-12 months). We can help set you up with Care Credit in the office, and you can see more information here- www.carecredit.com